
Camila's Photo Studio

Camila's Photo Studio

Camila's Photo Studio Website

Role: Developer, Sole Project

Technologies: React.js, Next.js, Contentful (Headless CMS), Cloudinary, Vercel, MaterialUI

Description: As a full-stack developer, I successfully led the creation of the website for Camila's Photo Studio, specializing in quinceañera photography and renowned in Cuba. I implemented technologies such as React.js, Next.js, and Contentful to build a dynamic platform with an Instagram-style gallery and a detailed dress catalog. This initiative highlights my ability to structure databases, manage CMS, and ensure flawless deployment and hosting. The site is live, serving as a powerful online portfolio to showcase Camila's exceptional quinceañera photography. #WebDevelopment #ReactJS #NextJS #ProjectManagement #FullStackDeveloper

Key Features:

  • Gallery with Instagram-Like UI: The website features a stunning image gallery with an Instagram-inspired user interface, allowing visitors to filter photos by categories, creating an immersive visual experience.
  • Dress Carousel and Catalog: A unique feature of the website is the 'Dresses' section, where visitors can explore an elegant dress carousel. Each dress comes with a detailed catalog, providing a comprehensive view of the studio's offerings.